Download and step by step Total Video Converter

Diposkan oleh Unknown on Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Total Video Converter is an application to change the video format, sometimes wecomplain when the video is not biased on the watch due to lack of support against theconstraints of existing applications in your commuter, then I'll post and answer yourcomplaint

step by step to convert 3gp video to avi using Total Video Converter:
1.       Download Total Video Converter
2.       Immediately after the download is complete install
3.       If the installation is complete, then run the program Total Video Converter
4.       Select New → Task → Import files looking for where you store files 3gp (for example inmy document / local disk d) → select Open
5.       You will be faced with lots of video options, in this case select the format of MS, Mpeg, Avi and select Convert Now →
6.       Wait for the process convert, if convert TotalVideo Converter completed then automatically convert the results of last opened folder
7.       Usually the result of converting existing files in C: \ Program Files \ Total Video Converter \Converted

Link Download :
Total Video Converter :