Download Latest Google Chrome. Google's new Chrome browser
to update, now entered the beta version. Greatness has to offer this version -
add the website page load speed becomes even faster. Chrome Beta with the
initiative to open a web page in the browser area background even if you have
not finished typing the website URL address in the address bar area.
In this way it would cut the time of course, before the
enter button is clicked, the website you want has been completely open with the
obvious. Also at the same time saving energy.
In addition to speed matters, Chrome beta also brings
progress for safe browsing and security affairs in order to protect our
computer systems from software attacks ignorant.
In previous versions, Chrome has been performing great with
computers fortify users of these sites are able to exploit the computer without
the need to interact with it.
Now the added security again to address the websites that
lure us to download and execute a file that can harm your computer. Examples
include websites that seemed to offer protection antivirus products.
To protect you from these things, Chrome includes an
advanced application functions to analyze the files that are executed - such as
a file. Exe and. Msi - before you download. If it proves it is a file of
ignorant, or are on a hosting that does have a bad reputation. So Chrome will
warn you that the file is a file of ignorant (malware) which should be
But the most important of all is your own prudence, even if
the antivirus is installed and the browser's advanced solid classmates Chrome
or Firefox as a vehicle, but your own careless, then it could be infected with
malware as well. Really?
Do not be afraid of the word "Beta", although the
time in that stage. However, the advantages offered is very impressive and
greatness. Just wait a few days too weeks, of course update was released. You
can just click the update button then directly into the perfect version. So
please try this beta version.
Google Chrome v.18.0.1017.2 Beta